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xResolver : What Exactly Is this and How Do You Make Use Of It?


What exactly is xResolver, and what does this post discuss? What is xResolver, how does it function, and how do you make use of it? There is no worse feeling than having your Xbox lag when you are ready to win the match. You may think there is an internet issue, but you are unaware that you have hacked or cannot play. The fact that other players can see your IP address and use it to kick you out of a game is a drawback of playing online.

What Exactly Is Xresolver

Gamertags and IP addresses of players who play on Xbox, PlayStation, and PC platforms are track by this database service. Although legally legal because it is publicly available information, the information on the website can be a real pain for gamers who frequently participate in online competitions.

Additionally, Xresolver offers a service where users can pay the price to permanently delete their IP address (referred to as “a lifetime”) from the record. It is not advise to do this. In Xresolver, a database and publicly accessible website, gamers’ IP addresses and connections to Gamer tags and online profiles are store.

It should highlight that since this particular information is open to the public, disseminating it on a public website is not technically prohibited. The main issue is that, whether on PS4, Xbox, or PC, the kind of individual curious about whose IP address corresponds to your particular profile is unlikely to have your best interests at heart. Who would be curious to know your IP address if not your buddies? One who breaks into computers is known as a hacker.

How do you Make Use of it?

Xresolver is simple and quick to use, thanks to its user-friendly UI. If you are experiencing issues, the following steps will enable you to utilize Xresolver without any problems:

Go to the Xresolver official website.

  • To check on the status of your game, go to Xbox Resolver or PlayStation Resolver (Choose an appropriate option)
  • To convert the “Xbox Gamer tag” into an IP address, type it in. Alternatively, you can use “IP address” to convert the Xbox Gamer tag to an IP address.
  • The next step is to select “Resolve.”
  • The process now finished, and you may use the same steps to convert IP addresses to PlayStation gamer tags and vice versa.

The gamer tag will surely changed into IP format when you enter it to resolve, as you would anticipate. The same is true for the PlayStation; to find out whether or not it will changed to IP, just input the PSN username.

How can you safeguard yourself by changing your IP address?

You won’t be able to alter your public IP address because the DHCP server of your internet provider assigns it. Your computer or laptop’s IP address can be convert, though. Local methods for changing your IP address won’t help if someone is flooding your home’s internet connection with a thousand bots. Incorporate a new public IP address.

The quickest and simplest way to reconnect to the internet may be to reset your router for a few minutes. If your NBN box includes a 4G backup, you might also be able to disconnect and reconnect it; however, you need first to confirm that this is the case with your connection.

If you’re having trouble figuring it out on your own, a reputable VPN provider can help. You don’t have to hire a hacker to assist you. When playing games with strangers online, maintain your composure. Always be aware of your gaming partners and maintain equilibrium. DDoS attacks can be harmful, but there are techniques to prevent them, so if it ever happens to you, don’t panic.

How Does the XResolver Operate?

  • Finding the desired user on your Xbox console is the only thing you need to do for this phase, so relax. The details of their Gamertag are display when you click on the information about them. Please make a copy of the ID that is post publicly and paste it in there.
  • Go to the website of xResolver and scroll down until you see the form that asks for the Gamertag IP. After you have pasted it, click the resolve button. An IP address can also be used in place of a Gamertag to obtain this information.
  • When you click the Resolve button on the website, the database for the site looks for the IP address. You are allowed to attempt various approaches because there is a possibility that you will not always succeed.


Every feature of Xresolver has been addressed in this article. After reading this essay, we hope you will already be well-versed in the subject and won’t need to do any additional research. We can discuss other topics in great detail if you’re interested. If you believe we missed any crucial elements in our discussion about Xresolver, feel free to add your ideas in the comments section below. We will respond to your remarks as soon as we can. Furthermore, don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any issues or questions; we would be pleased to assist you in any way we can.

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