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Picuki – Ultimate Instagram Editor and Viewer Tool

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In the recent age, with development of the internet and the start of the “Internet age,” it also kicks started the “Age of Social Media.”In this age of social media, several apps and software are playing a pivotal role. Apps like Instagram allow users to upload pictures and short videos of their liking on their profile pages. People can even visit those pages and enjoy the content posted. It is a great way to know people and make friends. Sometimes, one might like a picture or video posted on a user’s page and want to download it, but Instagram itself does not offer any options to download the posted content. This is where Picuki comes in handy.

What do you mean by Picuki and how it works?

Picuki is an online website that is very famous for enabling users to get access to Instagram users’ content, including pictures and videos uploaded to their content pages. One of the most critical parts of using Picuki is that users don’t need to register an account on the website to access the features offered by the site. To find the needed account, they have to enter the Instagram user’s ID or account name in the site’s search bar to load their profile pages where the posted images and videos are present and other content.

One can directly download the content from there. Picuki also allows users to modify the images and other content, including video materials of chosen Instagram users, and then download them. The site offers options to modify and apply filters, crop, change picture saturation, and brightness, and add several effects before downloading the content. For using these features, they don’t need any permission from the users whose content is being modified, which is an excellent thing for many people and highly useful.

How to use Picuki?

Picuki is a website where users can download any content, including images and videos of their liking, from any Instagram user’s profile page. One can also download the hashtags and location tags present along with the content.

To do this, one must follow either of the steps,

1. Search the Instagram user’s account via the search bar present on the site’s main page.

2. Search the needed pictures and videos from the hashtags attached to them already.

Method-1, Searching content via User’s Account Name.

1. Enter the Picuki IG tool site by typing out the address Picuki.com.

2. Enter the account name or the username of the Instagram user whose content needs to be accessed.

3. If there are multiple users with the bit of username entered, Picuki will show all the names from which you can choose your needed User.

4. Once entered into the content page or the desired User’s profile page, all the contents will be ready to download already on the page.

5. After finding the content or media to download, select the option to download and hit enter to save it on your device.

Method-2, Searching the content through the hashtag(#) search,

1. Enter the Picuki IG tool site by typing out the address Picuki.com.

2. Enter the hashtag in the search bar of the main page.

3. Once entered, click on search and select search by hashtag.

4. All the content associated with the given hashtags will be displayed on the Picuki site.

5. Select the desired image.

6. Click on the download button and, if needed, modify the image or video beforehand and then download it on your device.

Editing photo on Picuki

Picuki also allows users to modify the images and other content, including video materials of chosen Instagram users, and then download them. The site offers options to modify and apply filters, crop, change picture saturation, band rightness and add several effects before downloading the contents. For using these features, they don’t need any permission from the users whose content is being modified, which is an excellent thing for many people and highly useful.

Some of the steps to modify images include,

1. Search the desired image via the help of either the hashtag method or username method.

2. Click on the image.

3. Select modify.

4. Adjust the saturation, brightness, and other aspects of the image or the video as needed.

5. Then, download the image by selecting download. This will save the image on a personal device directly.

Watching Stories of other users without logging in to Picuki,

One can also watch stories posted by other users on their Instagram account.

To watch posted stories without logging in

1. Search the profile page of the needed User.

2. Click on the “stories” option shown on their profile.

3. Click on the stories icon on that page, which will appear in the lower right corner.

4. This will display the posted stories.

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